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Your source for Training children in:  

The C.A.A.P. Value-Based Educational System which infuses  desirable Character Development  behaviors in young children on a DAILY basis!      (323) 299-9709

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C.A.A.P.  = Conscious Alignment of Actions with Principles

The C.A.A.P. Kit

* MAKOTO Memory Card Game

* Monthly Daily Action Chart Master

* Stick-On Numbers for "Mental Math"

*  Teacher Guideline Suggestions

*  Journaling Notebook (not included)
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The C.A.A.P. Value-Based Educational System teaches your children (Ages 3-12) desirable character and behavior traits while they learn how to read, write and mentally solve math problems!   The foundation of CAAP is the MAKOTO Memory Card Game which consists of a total of 40 cards, 2 cards each of 20 words or Principles for the children to study and consciously act-out each day

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Suggested Donation $35.00
How to play  the MAKOTO Memory Card Game

CLICK HERE to join the YPI Academy and help further develop C.A.A.P.!/

Got Questions???...Contact us!

Youth Publications, Incorporated

A California 501 (c)3 Non-profit Corporation

EIN # =  95-3428520

5475 Valley Ridge Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90043-2257



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