My Cancer Cure
I personally know that curing cancer is possible, if discovered and treated early enough with a good raw food diet abundant with vitamin B17 enriched foods. About 30 years ago, during a self breast-examination, I discovered a small lump in my breast about the size of a kidney bean, and I must confess, I initially went into a state of panic and stress! …And then I had to stop and remember…just, who I was, and what knowledge I had acquired at that time about herbs. I had been successfully assisting my family and friends with natural herbal medicines choices for about 5 years at that time, but I never had to use any of my Herbal Medicines on myself! I have always been a very active, athletic, healthy person, so I was totally shocked when I discovered that cyst in my breast! “How could something like this happen to ME of all people!!????”, I asked myself. I knew that the lump was a sign of toxic build-up, so I went to work reading everything I could find on detoxification and blood purification, and ended up with a powdered mixture of 36 of the most powerful herbs I could find that HISTORICALLY cleansed the blood of toxins (I now call that particular herbal formula, "Blood-So-Pure"). Even though I didn’t know it at that time, what I decided to do next was even more important than the herbs… I went on a totally RAW DIET of fresh fruit, vegetables, raw almonds and raisins, all the while drinking lots of fresh water and 100% fruit juices. And it wasn’t long before the magic began to happen!…. I had toyed with the idea of becoming a vegetarian, but even then, it was predominately cooked foods, so the thought of going totally raw, was a major step for me at that time. But my instinct told me that I needed a 100% totally raw diet in order for me to cure the cancer that was beginning to grow inside my breast. The first few days were the most difficult, but my favorite snack at that time was a mixture of raw almonds and raisins, which I ate in abundance, and which kept me satisfied enough, so that I was able to stick to the daily raw fruit and vegetable salad regiment without any problem. Now, with the new information that I have discovered about cancer being a vitamin B17 deficiency, I fully understand that it was the raw almonds, even more so than the herbs, that played a major part in my cancer cure, since almonds are second only to apricot seeds as a source for natural vitamin B17. By the sixth day, I could literally feel the lump getting smaller, and by the 14th day, it had completely disappeared! Needless to say, my faith in herbal medicine increased, but I also became a strong advocate for the vegan diet with heavy concentration on raw. The main point I want to make with this story is, had I not been educated about cancer and its causes at the time that I discovered that lump in my breast, I may have made the grave mistake of being overcome with fear and ran to a medical doctor in a panic to get mutilated in surgery, or "radiated" to death with chemotherapy treatments! Taking full control and responsibility of our own health is one of the most revolutionary non-violent actions we as American People can make, especially in a time when the government officials are trying to pigeon-hole us into a Healthcare System that railroads us straight into the clasps of the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industries whose monetary greed causes them to embrace death and disease rather than life and good health. I am on a personal mission to research and discover as many alternative cancer cures as possible. If you have any information about holistic, natural alternative cancer cures, please email me at anniepp@naturacare.net. Thanks!